Like all vehicles, the GMC Syclone, Typhoon and Sonoma GT have a VIN to determine build information from the manufacturer. The Vehicle Identity Number (VIN) is a 17-character code that uniquely identifies the type of vehicle, its manufacturer, and origin. This US legal identifier also has a bar code representation to make instant electronic identification easier. The location of the VIN is standard at the bottom of the driver's side windshield however, it can be found in other various locations on the trucks.
When GM went into production with the Syclone, Typhoon, and Sonoma GT they received a unique VIN code that differed from the standard S-Series production line mostly due to the "incomplete" status it received. This incomplete indicator was assigned in the VIN because the SyTySoGTs did not receive final assembly in Shreveport, LA but were later finished with Production Automotive Services (PAS) in Troy, Michigan.
The SyTySoGT VIN Guide tells us the truck number and can be used to determine if a GMC Syclone, Typhoon, or Sonoma GT truck is genuine. Most owners refer to their truck number and this one way SyTy Registry tracks and documents truck information into our database.
The VIN sequence for all production Syclone, Sonoma GT, and Typhoons are as follows:
1992 SONOMA GT - 1GDCS14W9N0820XXX
The XXXX is the four digit series number ranging from 0001 to 2995 for 1991 Syclones (which includes the Marlboro and Saudi Syclones), 001 - 806 for 1992 Sonoma GTs, 0001 to 2497 for 1992 Typhoons and 0001 to 2200 for 1993 Typhoons.
This 4 digit series number is also used as the unique identification truck number within the SyTySoGT community and how ISTR archives individual truck information. Unfortunately it isn't possible to directly correlate the PAS production number against the VIN. We know that trucks weren't always finished in sequential order as they were received due to standard production delays or issues that may needed to have been addressed on individual trucks.
- Dashboard - Lower driver side corner behind the windshield, standard location for VIN plate.
- PAS Decal - Located inside driver's door jam next to door latch pin.
- Engine Block - located on the rear of the block, driver side, near the head. 8 digits are stamped into a flat area on the block.
- Top of the Frame - VINs have been found on the top side of the frame rail on the driver side around the area of the fuel filter. Usually covered in dirt or undercoating, proceed with care to expose.
- Transmission Bellhousing - some trucks have 8 digits of the VIN stamped into the bellhousing
- Glovebox SPID Decal - Located on the bottom of the inside of the glovebox
Position 1 1 - US built (82-92)
2 - Canadian built (82-92)
3 - Mexico built (85-92)
4 - US built (89-92)
J - Japan built (82, 89-92)Position 2 C - CAMI/GM of Canada
G - General Motors
G - Suzuki (89-92)
8 - Isuzu (89-92)Position 3 A - Chevy Bus (van with 4th seat) (82-92)
B - Chevy Incomplete (82-92)
C - Chevy Truck (82-92)
D - GMC Incomplete (82-92)
E - Cadillac Incomplete (82-90)
G - Cadillac Incomplete Coaches (86,87)
H - Oldsmobile APV (90-92)
J - GMC Bus (van with 4th seat) (87-92)
K - GMC MPV (87-92)
L - Buick Incomplete (89-90)
M - Pontiac MPV (90-92)
N - Chevy MPV (87-92)
T - GMC Truck (82-91)
Y - Luv Incomplete (82)
Y - Pontiac Truck (90)
Z - Luv Truck (82)
0 - GMC Bus (van with 4th seat) (82-86, 90-92)
5 - GMC MPV (82-86)
8 - Chev MPV (82-86)Position 4
(GVWR Brake System)B - 3001-4000 lbs (82-92)
C - 4001-5000 lbs (82-92)
D - 5001-6000 lbs (82-92)
E - 6001-7000 lbs (82-92)
F - 7001-8000 lbs (82-92)
G - 8001-9000 lbs (82-92)
H - 9001-10000 lbs (82-92)
J - 10001-14000 lbs (82-92)
K - 14001-16000 lbs (82-92)Position 5
(Line and Chassis Type)B - Special Body (Buick) 4x2 (89,90)
C - Conventional cab 4x2 (82-86, 88-92)
D - Military truck 4x4 (83-92)
E - Compact Cab 4x2
G - Van, full size (82-92)
H - Chasis cutaway 4x2 (85-92)
K - Conventional cab 4x4 (82-92)
L - Luv 4x2 (82)
L - Small Van 4x4 (90-92)
M - Small Van 4x2 (85-92)
P - Forward control 4x2 (82-92)
R - Luv 4x4 (82)
R - Conventional cab (87-91)
S - Small conventional cab 4x2 (82-91)*
T - Small conventional cab 4x4 (83-92)*
U - All purpose vehicle 4x2 (90)
V - Conventional cab 4x4 (87-91)
W - El Camino, Caballero 4x2 (82-84)
W - El Camino, Panel Delivery and Caballero (85-87)
Z - Special body 4x2 (82-88)
Z - Special body (Cadillac) (89-91)
4 - 4500 Series (90-91)* Includes Blazer, Bravada, and JimmyPosition 6 0 - All Purpose Vehicle (90-91)
1 - 1/2 ton (82-92)
2 - 3/4 ton (82-92)
3 - 1 ton (82-92)
8 - 1/2 ton El Camino/Caballero (82-87)
9 - Cadillac Commercial body/chasis (82-88)
9 - Cadillac & Buick Commercial body/chasis (89-90)
S - Chassis only (91)Position 7
(Body Type)0 - Pickup Deliver (El Camino Caballero) (82-87)
0 - Chassis Only (88-91)
0 - Cadillac Short Sill Cowl (82-84)
0 - Cadillac/Buick/Chevy Commercial Body/Chassis (85-90)
1 - Hi-Cube and Cutaway Van (GMC Magnavan and chopped van) (82-92)
1 - Chassis 4x2 (91)
2 - Forward Control (82-92)
3 - Four door cab (82-91)
3 - Four Door Cab/Utility (90-92)
4 - Two door cab (82-92)
4 - Four Door Cab/Chassis (90)
5 - Van (short) (82-92)
6 - All Purpose Vehicle
6 - Suburban (82-92)
7 - Motor Home Chassis (82-92)
8 - Utility 2 Door (Blazer, Jimmy, Bravada) (82-92)
9 - Stake (82-87)
9 - Extended Cab/Van (88-92)Position 8
(Engine Code, Size, Type,
Fuel System, RPO)A - 1.9 L4 2bbl LR1 (82-85)
A - 2.5 L4 TBI L38 (92)
B - 2.8 V6 2bbl LR2 (82-85)
B - 4.3 V6 FI LU2 (90-91)
C - 6.2 V8 Dsl LH6 (82-92)
D - 4.1 V6 2bbl LE3 (82-85)
D - 3.1 V6 FI (90)
E - 2.5 L4 TBI LN8 (85)
E - 2.5 L4 FI LN8 (86-91)
E - 2.5 L4 TBI L38 (92)
F - 5.0 V8 4bbl LF3 (82-86)
F - 6.5 V8 Dsl L65 (92)
H - 5.0 V8 4bbl LE9 (82-87)
H - 5.0 V8 TBI L03 (88-92)
J - 6.2 V8 Dsl LL4 (82-92)
K - 5.7 V8 LPG LT9 (83-86)
K - 5.7 V8 TBI L05 (88-92)
L - 5.7 V8 4bbl LS9 (82-86)
L - 3.9 L4 Dsl LST (89-91)
M - 5.7 V8 4bbl LT9 (82-88)
N - 1.8 L4 2bbl (82)
N - 4.3 V6 4bbl LB1 (87-92)
N - 7.4 V8 TBI L19 (87-92)
P - 5.7 V8 2bbl LF7 (82-83)
R - 2.8 V6 TBI LL2 (86-90)
S - 2.2 L4 Dsl LQ7 (82-85)
T - 4.8 L6 1bbl (82-90)
U - 1.6 L4 TBI LS5 (89-90)
V - 3.4 V6 Dsl (91)
W - 7.4 V8 4bbl LE8 (82-90)
W - 4.3 V6 CPI L35 (92)
Y - 2.0 L4 2bbl LQ2 (83-85)
Z - 4.3 V6 TBI LB4 (86-92)Position 9 Check Digit
Position 10
(Model Year)A thru H - (80-87)
J thru N - (88-92)
P - (93)Position 11
(Truck & Bus Plant)B - Baltimore, MD
E - Pontiac, MI
F - Flint, MI
J - Janesville, WI
T - Terrytown, NY
V - Pontiac, MI
Z - Ft. Wayne, IN
0 - Pontiac, MI
1 - Oshawa, ONT
2 - Moraine, OH
3 - Detroit, MI
4 - Scarborough, ONT
7 - Lordstown, OH
8 - Shreveport, LAPosition 12-17
(Truck & Bus Plant)Production Sequence Number
ODG Syclone in Mexico
- December 18, 2024
- 0
SyTySoGT Cladding Removal
- November 6, 2024
- 0
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- 0
Jay Leno's Garage
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- 0
SyTy Center Cap Bolt
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- 0
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- 0
Hot Wheels Syclone 2025
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- 0
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- November 8, 2024
- 0
SyTySoGT Cladding Removal
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- 0
New GM Tech Center
- October 25, 2024
- 0
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